Tuesday 22 December 2009

Viva City @ The Cluny

Great show, mint lazers. Repeat please?
I was stood at the back next to a smoke machine. Everytime it went off it looked as though I was on fire, much to the amusement of Ali Allerdyce, Viva City's lead vocalist. Support for the evening, which ended with a trip to McDonald's, was from The Dead Set (average indie band) and Suzi Won (Viva City with masks only not really Viva City but you get the idea). Still no Kate Bush but I got a CD single of Have You Ever Felt So Messed Up?, which I got signed and a £6 t-shirt from Primark with the VC print on. Nice night, hope they do it again!

Apologies to Jimmy Carr but how can you look at this and not end up hidden behind the sofa?

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